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Bambi Eyes  1300
Red tailed Hawk 3874
Broad Tailed Humming Bird 7674
Brown Thrasher 0260
Northern Cardinal 9578
Northern Cardinal
Goldfinch 0987
Cedar Waxwing 5629
Chipmunk 8795
Great Horned Owl 1625
Common Grackle 7587
Columbia Ground Squirrel Glacier N.P. 3804
Coopers Hawk 2360
Sharp Shinned Hawk 1004
American Bald Eagle 1827
American Bald Eagle 1914
Elk 7589
Coopers Hawk 9755
American Bald Eagle 1829
American Bald Eagle 1836
Coopers Hawk 9760
Gray Mouse 8350
Gray Mouse 8353
Light Reading
Green Anole 3728
Green Anole 3735
Hawk 1716
Hoary Marmot Glacier N.P. 3999
Red tailed Hawk 3810
Mantis MG0011
Yellow Bellied Marmot 2drk
House Sparrow 2985
Mountain Chickadee 8900
Nanny and Kid Glacier N.P. 3963
Nanny and Kid Glacier N.P. 3965
Northern Cardinal 4843
Northern Cardinal 4866
White Footed Mouse 8330
OPossom 4959
Red Tailed Hawk 1417
Raccoon 6727
White Winged Dove 3123
White Crowned Sparrow 9736
Eurasian Collared Dove
White Footed Mouse 8339
OPossom 4950
Northern Mockingbird 7153
Spring Turkey
Dusky Grouse
White breasted Nuthatch
Collared Lizard
Invasive Species- Flat Tops Wilderness
House Sparrow
Sharp shinned Hawk 6895
Sharp shinned Hawk 6897
White lined Sphinx Moth
Canada Goose
Common Grackle 7878
House Finch 8250
House Finch 8253
Set in Stone in San Antonio
Chipping Sparrow 2255
Red tailed Hawk 3821
Baby Pine Squirrel
Rose breasted Grosbeak 2188
Violet green Swallow 3209
Chihuahuan Greater Earless Lizard 5031
Singing Jesus of Boquillas
Mountain Goat 3933
Great Blue Heron 5668
Greater Roadrunner 1182
Shedding Velvet in Rain
Greater Roadrunner 1223
Black tailed Rattlesnake 4357
Ring-necked Pheasant
Buck in Velvet 5035
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